If every joint in the body hurts: Causes and treatment

Pain in the joints of the whole body is not a disease but a symptom. At the same time, painful sensations often spread to the muscles, so it can be difficult to get out of bed. Many diseases cause such unpleasant consequences, the treatment of pain is impossible without determining the exact cause. What symptoms should I focus on and what should I do?

The main causes of pain

If more than one joint hurts, not several, but all at once, it is a sign of systemic damage to the body. In addition, it is difficult to understand exactly where the pain is localized - in the joints, muscles, bones, or everywhere at once. The pain is felt all over the body, complicating its location. Which can cause all joints to suffer:

  • Very intense physical activity.
  • ᲘInfectious diseases.
  • Abnormal changes in connective tissues.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Neuralgia.

As seen from above, it is impossible to immediately understand the causes of pain. The exact cause can be determined only after passing the relevant examinations. If heavy physical labor is excluded from the previous day, we are talking about the diseases that need to be treated.

The joints of the whole body ache

Why is it dangerous

First of all, severe pain throughout the body reduces mobility, but this is not the main danger. The main danger is a disease that has caused painful sensations in the joints. In such cases, self-medication is extremely dangerous as it will lead to the fact that only the symptoms will pass while the disease itself is progressing. You can try to relieve the pain and possible swelling independently, but after that you should definitely consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

Any disease has symptoms that are unique to it. Since pain is the most noticeable sign, the first thing to do is to determine its characteristics:

  • Type of pain (painful, sharp, convulsions).
  • Localization (joints, muscles around, bones).
  • Whether it moves in the body if a particular place constantly hurts.
  • Persistent pain or cramps are periodic.
  • Intensity of sensations.
Knee pain

In addition, the patient may feel weakness, severe fatigue, or muscle aches. The following symptoms vary depending on the specific cause of the pain:

  1. Excessive voltage. . . Excessive physical activity the day before can cause the whole body to ache the next day. This is caused by the production of lactic acid, which accumulates in the muscles. In this case, good heating is enough to relieve the pain.
  2. Infections. . . Joint pain is often accompanied by diseases such as the flu, fever, meningitis, and even the usual acute respiratory infections in an advanced form. In addition to pain, the symptom is complemented by cough, skin rash, chills, weakness, nausea and indigestion, high body temperature.
  3. Viral hepatitis. . . Liver damage, in addition to possible pain, is marked by jaundice of the skin and eyes, decreased appetite.
  4. Abnormal changes in connective tissue. . . Arthritis, lupus erythematosus, polymyositis - all of these can provoke joint pain. In addition, some diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, blood vessels and nervous system can also cause painful sensations in the joints.
  5. Blood diseases. . . In addition to feeling pain in the body, the patient experiences fever, the skin becomes pale, the lymph nodes, liver and spleen increase in size. In this condition the vulnerability to infectious diseases increases. In the acute form, such diseases are life-threatening if not treated in time.
  6. Oncology. . . With oncological tissue damage, joint pain may appear earlier than the disease itself is diagnosed. In addition, symptoms such as weakness, weight loss, poor appetite, fever, mood swings, depression speak of oncology.
  7. Neuralgia. . . With diseases of the nervous system, in addition to pain in the joints and muscles, the patient may experience numbness of the fingers, loss of sensation, and weakness. In addition, hair begins to fall out and the skin becomes drier and thinner.

If joint pain is accompanied by any of the listed symptoms, this is a reason to consult a specialist.

Diagnostic methods

To whom should pain complaints be communicated throughout the body:

  1. Rheumatologist.
  2. Hematologist.
  3. Oncologist.
  4. Infectionist.

Once the doctor examines the patient and hears complaints, he should send the patient for examination. The following diagnostic methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  • General analysis of urine.
  • General blood test.
  • Blood biochemistry.
  • LHC blood and smear analysis.
  • Bone marrow puncture.
  • CT and MRI.
  • Neuromyography.

A comprehensive examination will give you a complete picture of the patient's condition. Only then can we talk about a specific disease and prescribe treatment.

X-rays for joint pain

Treatment of joint pain

The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor based on the data obtained during the examination. The most common is drug therapy. A wide range of medications can cure almost any cause of joint pain. The choice of drug groups depends on the type of disease:

  • Antibiotics
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Painkillers.
  • Hormonal agents.
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Cytostatics.

Many of the drugs listed have serious contraindications - some of which should not be taken in the presence of a tumor. In addition, almost all medications have their own contraindications and side effects. This is one of the reasons why it is impossible to select drugs independently and take them carelessly. The exact dose and type of medication is prescribed only by a doctor. If there is no result after completing the course of administration, the specialist can replace the drug with another.

Medications for joint pain

Surgery is needed in extreme cases when drug therapy is powerless. Usually, surgery is prescribed for cancer and blood diseases. In case of cancer surgery can be supplemented with radiation therapy, while in case of serious blood diseases bone marrow transplantation is required.


To avoid joint damage, you should follow six simple recommendations:

  1. Proper nutrition. . . First of all, a balanced menu will give the body all the substances it needs to function normally. Secondly, proper nutrition can help you maintain weight. Obesity is a common cause of joint pain.
  2. Chondroitin and glucosamine. . . These substances are essential for the health of the joints. They are found in meat, cartilage and fish.
  3. Drink mode. . . Fluid promotes metabolism If there is not enough water in the body, nutrition of organs, muscles and joints will be insufficient. You should drink about 2 liters of water a day.
  4. ზიPhysical activity. . . Even regular gymnastics in the morning will help to normalize blood circulation, as a result, the joints will receive enough nutrients.
  5. . Be careful. . . Any damage to the joints should be avoided.
  6. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. . . Missing vitamins and minerals can be obtained from drugs, the main thing is to choose them correctly.

Simple tips to help you keep your joints healthy. In addition to adjusting the diet and daily routine, it is necessary to periodically undergo prophylactic examinations by doctors. This will help you notice the disease in time and start treatment.